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Jun 24, 2020

In recent years accounting has evolved from rules, discipline and structure related to producing quality financial reports to so much more.  Now the accounting professional needs to become more entrepreneurial, what we refer to as becoming an Accountrepreneur. Today accounting services need to also provide clear value...

Jun 17, 2020

Of course, there is a joy and sense of accomplishment when in accounting everything balances and we are able to close out a month or perhaps even a year of books.  But there is something more that we need to do with our clients and the tasks within the accounting process may be holding us back as a profession.  Roger...

Jun 10, 2020

Getting out of the fog associated with running and accounting business is easier said than done.  There is value having a business coach help you work ON your accounting business.  Bookkeeping is an essential part of a successful business so let’s get excited within the profession to make a difference...