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Aug 25, 2021

As accounting professionals, we each need to find the time to “sharpen the saw” to offer the quality accounting services our clients expect.

Listen as Rob and Roger discuss each and how they apply to your business as you work to have the premier accounting firm in your area.

This is a great conversation that is both...

Aug 18, 2021

As accounting professionals, we have opportunities to determine the value of our client’s business but also work with them to increase it’s worth.  Let’s consider not only why but how we can help them work ON their business.

Listen as Bharat and Roger discuss the things that establish the value of a business but...

Aug 4, 2021

Hindsight being 20/20, from a young age the path to accounting was there but Teena took the long round to find her place.  After working hard, not receiving the benefits, financial rewards and recognition it was time to start her own business.  Who knew it would be this good?

Listen as Teena shares with Roger the...