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Feb 23, 2022

As accounting professionals the idea of creating or using forecasts or budgets to manage a business is not heard of but financial modeling takes it all to another level.  Using Dynamic Models we can more confidently plan for the future and help our clients make more informed business decisions.

Listen as Roger and Ian...

Feb 9, 2022

In this episode of Building the Premier Accounting Firm, you’ll learn what you need to do with your online presence to get people to find you and act, to call or book an appointment to meet with you. We all hear it, again and again, there are things we need to have a profitable and effective online presence:

  • Search...

Feb 2, 2022

If getting more clients is on the agenda, this is a conversation you don’t want to miss. Roger speaks with Chris about the elements that make up the ideal marketing strategy from identifying the ideal clients, to niching, advertising budget, emotional selling and so much more. This is a fun, heartfelt conversation...